AI Uprise

30 Aug 2023

What I Wanted to do Growing Up

Growing up, I did not really know what I wanted to do as a career. All I knew was that I liked to play video games a lot, so maybe I would go into something that involved game design. Since I enjoy playing video games so much, maybe I would like to create games for kids that were like me when I was younger. Another reason is because of the state of games recently, where they are all basically money grabs. I would want to create games that are for the gamer and not for the revenue. But in some of these games, there are NPCs, which are basically types of artificial intelligence. The fact that these developers could create fake people who live like us in some games was fascinating to me.

Recent Life Goals

So recently I have been wanting to go into the AI field as well. It’s not to say that I would not go into the game development industry, it’s just that I have gained a new interest in AI. With how much AI is helping people, it would be cool to be able to help improve on that technology. To make an AI that could help us work more efficiently than we are now would help society tremendously.


I do not want to create some sort of terminator or something like that, all I would like to do is help create some AI that could help us reach a new breakthrough in medicine or other technological advancements. With how much AI helps us today, it does not seem so far off from that point.