
Software Development

14 Dec 2023

Introduction Throughout these past couple of months, I feel like I have learned a lot when it comes to software development. There are a couple of concepts that have stuck with me in this class which are, coding standards, UI...

Software Development

What is a Design Pattern?

29 Nov 2023

How I see Design Patterns A simple way to describe design patterns is that it is a solution that you can use for a recurring problem in your coding process. Design patterns are so useful because they will save time...

Design Patterns Software Engineering

My Thoughts on AI

20 Nov 2023

Introduction The role of AI in education is to help students understand things that may have yet to be taught in class. It also allows students to ask plenty of questions since you can talk to AI the same way...

Artificial Intelligence

It takes time to Bootstrap

04 Oct 2023

Initial Thoughts on Bootstrap When we first started to use the Bootstrap framework after initially learning about HTML and CSS, I thought of Bootstrap as a way to “shortcut” the styling of the site. I was dead wrong. In a...

HTML CSS Bootstrap

Why does Coding have a Style?

20 Sep 2023

What are Coding Standards? From the start when I started to learn how to code, I always had to follow a set of “rules” which were coding standards. In a way, I think following these coding standards allowed me to...

Coding Coding Style

How Smart can Questions Get?

05 Sep 2023

What are Smart Questions? Eric Raymond introduces the idea of “Smart” questions in order to effectively ask questions in order to get the best, most efficient answers. As a programmer, I have to come to terms with knowing that I...

Smart Questions

AI Uprise

30 Aug 2023

What I Wanted to do Growing Up Growing up, I did not really know what I wanted to do as a career. All I knew was that I liked to play video games a lot, so maybe I would go...

Software Engineering Future

My Initiation with Javascript

29 Aug 2023

How is Javascript? Being a Computer Science major, I have learned a lot about different programming languages. So far I am familiar with about four, and I am becoming more familiar with a fifth one, Javascript. In terms of simplicity,...

Javascript Athletic Software Engineering